Tuesday, June 25, 2019

CHANMAG thank you visiting us at Foodtech Taipei 2019

Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer!
Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery Machine for the CM-MT160SD Twin Twist Mixer with Digital Panel - Removable Bowl, CM-DE6 Auto Dough Divider, TEDDY 5L Table Mixer, products that will be available.銓麥感謝所有支持銓麥的朋友們蒞臨2019 Food Taipei台北國際食品加工設備暨製藥機械展攤位, 歡迎接洽我們這次展出的全系列不銹鋼烘焙機械產品「CM-MT160SD雙扭轉鈎攪拌機(離缸式-數位面板)、CM-DE6連續式麵團滾圓機, TEDDY 5L熊牌桌上型攪拌機等 ;精彩落幕再次感謝, 我們期待明年再見!

For more information, please contact sales team. See you next time exhibit 2020 Jun.

More information, please contact sales team.

Publish by CM Marcom Yang

 💻 http://www.chanmag.com

 📩 Email: chanmag.marketing@gmail.com

 ☎️ +886-8667 6060

產品訊息請查詢銓麥網站 http://chanmag.com.tw/     

Monday, June 10, 2019

CHANMAG invitation you join us at FoodTech Taipei 2019

CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. cordially invites you to join us at Foodtech Taipei 2019 in Taipei during 19 - 22, Jun., L area, Booth no.#L0022


銓麥企業股份公司誠摯地邀請您參觀我們2019 Food Taipei台北國際食品加工設備暨製藥機械展攤位, 展出時間: 6月19 - 22日, 南港展覽館L區, 攤位號碼: #L0022

Our will showcase the Bakery Production Line series machine for the CM-MT160SD Twin Twist Mixer with Removable Bowl, CM-DE6 Auto Dough Divider, TEDDY 5L Table Mixer, Welcome everyone to come to the public!
CHANMAG invitation you join us at FoodTech Taipei 2019

We are looking forward to seeing you at the FoodTech Taipei 2019.
For more information, please contact sales team.

我們將展出全系列不銹鋼烘焙機械產品, CM-MT160SD雙扭轉鈎攪拌機-數位觸控面板(離缸式)、CM-DE6麵團分割機TEDDY 5L熊牌桌上型攪拌機等,歡迎大家前來共相盛舉!

我們期待著看到你在FoodTech Taipei 2019泰國食品展

Publish by CM Marcom Yang

 💻 http://chanmag.com.tw/show-schedule-en

 📩 Email: chanmag.marketing@gmail.com

 ☎️ +886-8667 6060

產品訊息請查詢銓麥網站 http://chanmag.com.tw/      
