Tuesday, January 25, 2022

CHANMAG wish you a happy Chinese New Year

Dear friends,
Chinese New Year is coming
CHANMAG wishes you a happy and prosperous year
Bless you
Wishing you 365 days of fun, 12 months of success, 52 weeks of healthy, 8,766 hours of always smile, 525,949 minutes of good luck, and 315,539,260 seconds of happiness.


#Bakery_Machine #BakeryEquipment #BakingProductionLine
#PlantWidePlanning #BakingPlanning #foodprocessingmachinery
#Manufacturing #TaiwanMachinery #TotalSolutions
#BakeryMixer #Baking_Mixer, #BestSpiralMixer #BreadMixer
#DigitalMixer, #DoughMixer, #DoughDividerRounder
#DoughMoulder #bread #toast #baguette #buns #pan
#tasty #cake #baking #pastry

Anytime you can reach CHANMAG with your inquiries
📧 chanmag@ms24.hinet.net

我們都可以幫您專屬 #規劃生產線
不論是 #麵包 #吐司 #漢堡  #熱狗堡 #麵包屑 #蛋糕
#烘焙生產線 為您提供一條龍全方位的整廠生產線規畫。

台灣📩 Email: chanmag.fac@msa.hinet.net


Publish by CM MarCom Yang 

 💻 http://www.chanmag.com

 ☎️ +886-8667 6060


Monday, January 17, 2022

CHANMAG Virtual Showroom Bakery Factory is officially launched

Welcome to CHANMAG #Virtual_Showroom Bakery Factory is officially launched 

👉 https://taiwantrade.istaging.com/da993a99-a763-418c-8893-c9f0fdae2575

CHANMAG Virtual Showroom Bakery Factory


Swipe left 👈 #Production_Line equipment area
Swipe right 👉 #Bakery_Planning equipment area
👉Swipe to watch manually or automatically rotate to play
👉Click any machine to view product specifications
👉Click [learn more] to enter the product page for a detailed introduction, watch photo & #Video

#Bakery_Machine #BakeryEquipment #BakingProductionLine
#PlantWidePlanning #BakingPlanning #foodprocessingmachinery
#Manufacturing #TaiwanMachinery #TotalSolutions
#BakeryMixer #Baking_Mixer, #BestSpiralMixer #BreadMixer
#DigitalMixer, #DoughMixer, #DoughDividerRounder
#DoughMoulder #bread #toast #baguette #buns #pan
#tasty #cake #baking #pastry

More info link:  http://chanmag.com.tw/production-line

Anytime you can reach CHANMAG with your inquiries
📧 chanmag@ms24.hinet.net

我們都可以幫您專屬 #規劃生產線
不論是 #麵包 #吐司 #漢堡  #熱狗堡 #麵包屑 #蛋糕
#烘焙生產線 為您提供一條龍全方位的整廠生產線規畫。

台灣📩 Email: chanmag.fac@msa.hinet.net


Publish by CM MarCom Yang 

 💻 http://www.chanmag.com

 ☎️ +886-8667 6060

Monday, January 10, 2022

CHANMAG uses live stream to create a new trend of baking machinery

疫後數位轉型 銓麥以直播打造烘焙機械新潮流

#工商時報 今日報紙 C8產業資訊版, 請參考下方各平台連結

 👉Website: http://chanmag.com.tw/zh-hant/archives/16795

  👉YAHOO銓麥用直播 打造烘焙產業新潮流 https://reurl.cc/rQgjZk

👉ChinaTimes: 銓麥用直播 打造烘焙產業新潮流 https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20220111000322-260210?chdtv
中時(簡體版):  铨麦用直播 打造烘焙产业新潮流 https://www.chinatimes.com/cn/newspapers/20220111000322-260210?chdtv

👉Line貼文: https://linevoom.line.me/user/_deQyikFlCEEs1eyLgdhf3yvrkl2uyWBEPcSXvlA

👉FB粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/Chanmagbakery/photos/a.442934745812485/4508261675946418/

More info link:  http://chanmag.com.tw/production-line

Anytime you can reach CHANMAG with your inquiries
📧 chanmag@ms24.hinet.net

我們都可以幫您專屬 #規劃生產線
不論是 #麵包 #吐司 #漢堡  #熱狗堡 #麵包屑 #蛋糕
#烘焙生產線 為您提供一條龍全方位的整廠生產線規畫。

台灣📩 Email: chanmag.fac@msa.hinet.net


產品訊息請查詢銓麥網站: 💻 http://www.chanmag.com  

☎️ +886-8667 6060

Friday, January 7, 2022

CHANMAG Cloud Virtual Showroom - On line

歡迎進入銓麥 #元宇宙烘焙工廠 #CloudVirtualShowroom
#720AR #雲端虛擬展間 正式上線

📍On Air Cloud Virtual Showroom #ProductionLine #BakeryPlanning
#MetaVerse #AR #VR #5G



More info link:  http://chanmag.com.tw/production-line

Anytime you can reach CHANMAG with your inquiries
📧 chanmag@ms24.hinet.net

我們都可以幫您專屬 #規劃生產線
不論是 #麵包 #吐司 #漢堡  #熱狗堡 #麵包屑 #蛋糕
#烘焙生產線 為您提供一條龍全方位的整廠生產線規畫。

台灣📩 Email: chanmag.fac@msa.hinet.net


產品訊息請查詢銓麥網站: http://chanmag.com.tw/zh-hant/archives/portfolio-items/twin-twist-mixers

Publish by CM MarCom Yang 

 💻 http://www.chanmag.com

 ☎️ +886-8667 6060