銓麥榮獲2019鄧白氏中小企業TOP 1000 MVP菁英獎
CHANMAG won the 2019 SME TOP 1000 Elite Award; the 6th D&B SME Awards were 1,037 companies shortlisted, our stand out from the finalists and win the MVP Awards.賀! 銓麥榮獲2019中小企業TOP 1000 菁英獎, 第六屆鄧白氏中小企業菁英獎共有1,037家公司入圍, 我們從入圍企業中脫穎而出, 獲得MVP獎的殊榮。
The selection of the D&B SME Awards is "objective and not subjective"
D&B Perspectives adheres to the same high standards of accuracy that have made Dun & Bradstreet a trusted name in business for over a century.
It takes that level of insight and attention to create a truly useful resource for today’s most diligent business professionals.
The CM-240AD "Smart Spiral Mixer-Digital Panel", which was unveiled for the first time in CHANMAG, is based on ergonomics and is based on specific industrial needs. It is the basis for improving the comfort, convenience and simplicity of traditional machines. Combined with the appearance of the body and the mixing tank, the flow line is aesthetically pleasing and easy to clean. In order to meet the needs of customers, we can provide customized design, such as global voltage, safety regulations, food safety and health, etc.
For more product information, please contact our sales team.
第六屆鄧白氏中小企業菁英獎頒獎典禮9月18日於台北文化東方酒店盛大舉行,其官網詳述評選機制「只有客觀、沒有主觀」;鄧白氏中小企業菁英獎是由美商鄧白氏透過全國中小企業出口數據以及鄧白氏獨有大數據資料庫比對,從付款紀錄、財務壓力指數、付款指數、採購力指數、出口成長率及出口級距等,以及比對最近三年每年進出口實績總額在50萬美元以上,且各該年度均無退票記錄、無負面訴訟消息,從國內超過143萬家中小企業中,評選出最具出口競爭力的TOP 1000 家企業。鄧白氏中小企業菁英獎已成為臺灣中小企業年度盛事與經營追求指標,本屆會事獲得經濟部中小企業處、外貿協會及美國在台協會的共同支持及多家企業的響應參與。
頒獎典禮中經濟部常務次長林全能致詞時表示「培養臺灣優秀中小企業,除了政府及企業互相勉勵,共同推動產業升級及數位轉型讓臺灣趕上這股趨勢的發展外,並攜手整合出口貿易環節的服務廠商,提昇台灣全球出口競爭力!」今年度的鄧白氏中小企業菁英獎以「數據啟動轉型,數位推動創新」作為推動目標,擴大舉辦打造企業高效營運國際論壇,邀請去年獲得全美年度數據長的Anthony Scriffignano, Ph.D.以數位科技對商業決策的影響為題進行專題演講,期待結合眾家力量,推動台灣企業的數位轉型成功。
Publish by CM Marcom Yang
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